23 Things I Learned at 23 Years

Hi. How are you? I hope you are doing fine!
For today, let me share with you some of the things I have learned at 23 years of my existence. Keep reading!

  1. Be Contented
Learning the Secret from the Bible of Being Content in All Things
No matter what you have in life; learn to be grateful and to be content. Blessings will flow abundantly if you start to be content and thankful for what you have.

2. Not Everybody is Your Friend

You have to be careful whom you trust. The world will give you smiles when you are winning, but it will turn your back to you when you are losing. Always choose the best company.

A Winnie the Pooh Thanksgiving - Wikipedia

3. Learn to Clap at Other People’s Victory

God has something to offer to everybody – and it will be the best. Learn to be genuinely happy for other people’s victory for your time will come sooner. Trust me.

4. Never Stop Learning

It takes nothing for you to be able to learn a new set of skills, a new language, or a new hobby. Never stop learning because you need to continuously hone your craft and be the best in everything you do. It will be a worthy investment if you are going to spend some amount on peso for books and materials.

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5. Be Consistent

Do I need to elaborate on this? Be consistent in anything you do. That’s it.

6. Speak Up

Speak up. Not just for yourself but for everybody who has been silenced. The world has become so cruel, and sometimes you need to voice out your thoughts and feelings. Let it be heard. As long as your beliefs are not harming anybody, speak up.

It is more powerful to speak up than to silently resent

7. Be On Time (ALWAYS)

It is very unprofessional if you are always late. Time is gold and you should value other people’s time as you value yours.

Tired of daylight saving time? These places are trying to end it.
The two most powerful warriors are patience and time

8. Never Promise Anything

Never promise anything especially when you are happy and most especially when you cannot fulfill it. Be a man of your word.

The real cost of weak promises

9. Don’t Compromise Something

Don’t compromise something if you don’t want to lose it. You have to hustle for yourself, and you don’t always have to look after people. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes you have to compromise if it is for the best.

10. Fill Your Soul – Not Just Your Mind

Yes, you have to fill your mind with great content and vast knowledge, but don’t forget to feed your soul too. It is very fulfilling to see yourself transforming to a man or woman of wisdom. Let them see Christ in your life and all your undertakings.

Invest on good reads!

11. Share

Share, not just your experiences but more importantly, your blessings.

Give it and it will be given to you.

Luke 6:3-8

12. Do Not Trust Anyone But Listen to Everyone

Listen to their stories – but do not trust their words. Listen to their encouragement but do not trust eventually. Words can be so poisonous you should learn to protect yourself from the toxicity it might cause you.

Snake Mouth by Uros B. on Dribbble

13. Do Not Settle

Come on. You are not sediment! Kidding aside, learn to strive for the best. Do not settle just because it is convenient. Do not settle just because you were pressured. Settle when the time is right.

14. Forgive and Forget

It is going to be the hardest of all, but trust me you will benefit from it. Forgive and not just forget. Let go of all the grudge you have been holding and release yourself from the unnecessary drama. It is hard to forgive but ask God for His grace.

EXACTLY! Don't do unto others what you don't want to do ...

15. Move on

Move on. If things don’t go your way, move on. If people betrayed you, move on. If you fail, move on. There is so much for you in this world. If you are going to wallow in your bitter past, you will miss it.

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16. Empower

Empowered women, empower women

Always empower people around you by motivating them. The last thing someone should get is discouragement.

17. Do Not Doubt Yourself

Yourself should be your biggest fan. You know yourself better than anyone else. You are the one who is going to take shots in your life. Do not doubt yourself you are more than that.

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18. Do Not Hesitate

Trust your instincts, or you will regret it. Do not hesitate. Always go with the choice that scares you the most because it is going to be worth it. Trust me.

Go with the choice that scares you the most, because that's the ...

19. It’s Okay To Not Have It All Together – YET

Take your time. There are things that you will learn if you are going to rest. You might miss something great if you hurry. Set your timeline and walk through it. Do not compare your journey with others. You all take it differently.

20. The World Does Not Revolve Around You

It will never be. So don’t take anything personally.

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21. Accept Criticism

Constructive or not, accept criticism. It will help you grow. You might think that people are meddling with your life or attacking you with hurtful words, accept it, and deal with it. Let your success make the noise.

22. Take Risks

Unleash yourself from anything that is holding you back. Take risks and see that people who are willing to risk win in life.

Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.

T.S. Eliot

23. Accept Defeat

It is not always victory. Sometimes, you are going to fail and lose in life. But that’s okay. Everybody does. Accept defeat and learn from it. Use it to motivate you. Do not stop just because you fail, continue, and slay.

Wow! Thank you for reaching this far! Whatever it is you are going through right now, I cheer for you! Fight on! Ciao!

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